The moment of silence... you really don't know the power that is there.. as Beverly Thomspon , Co-host of Canada AM, EmCEE for saturday night banquet said : "you could have heard a pin drop" a breast Cancer Survivor herself, was deeply moved. It is truly amazing that these women/ participants all raise monies for other women who need assistance in their battles with Breast Cancer.
The ride , WOW this club really has some fantastic trails! THanks to Jimmy Hatz for some good grub! If you are worried about not finding a group to ride with... no worries there! the Run has everything from the Hooters... - turtles and yes.. everything in between...
Saturday night is a great social .. you are able to talk about the day's ride, events.. bloopers.. ahum yes SLED ED worthy moments.. we had looooots of these! The Snow Run has to be one of the greatest organized events going it even has live auction, silent auction awards and prizes..... O speaking of live auction.. this year FXR donated coats to the OPP to wear for the day.. ya i'm just going to stop here and post my video.. sorry if it's short and shaky.. i had to run up and throw a few dollars at them.. ;)
Just recieve the official press release.....
Follow the link to read more on the event this past week end...
Over the years I have had the pleasure of meeting some truly amazing women.. I do what I can to raise pledges and I make the minimum.. sometimes a little more... but if I can do it so can you! But applause for a few ladies...
Betty Black Memorial Award (highest pledges) – Diane Munn
Kelly Shires Memorial Award (creative fundraising) – Carey Moran
Kim “Sparks” Fish Memorial Award – (love of life) - Mary Ann Beaudin
Sled Ed Award (funny mishap on trail) – Name withheld in confidence(but a hint, she works for BRP!)
I am sooo looking forward to next Year!
For more information on the event or to apply to the trust:
1-877-436-6467 WWW.BREASTCANCERSNOWRUN.ORG http://www.kellyshirsfoundation.org/
Stay tuned for the story on SnowTrax TV! sign up on the blog to receive updates!
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