(coming soon -video of day testing!)
This being "my" rookie this season.. I have done pretty well..(video on it's way of my "slight dusting")
However I do need to clear up a couple items on this TR.(test ride)
ONE: I did NOT lock the trailer.. my hubby is fantastic about ensuring things are safe
TWO: I did NOT lose the KEYS! they are hanging up in our LOCKED garage.. peeeeeeeeeeeerfect spot for them when the trailer is here at home..
THREE: me? A monkey!?
Between the Renegade and the adrenaline, the winner was the short track for me... apparently Luke preferred the Rene (video clip to come) Overall without letting the cat outta the bag for the TR- I looove this sled! Both models , but ya the adrenaline is my fav by far... from engine, suspension, ride, handling and ergos... this is one I want to keep in my garage!
I think we even have my son convinced this sled is awesome! I was about to put it away in the garage when.. yes.. all on his own.. (I think his daddy has been teaching him, unknown to me) up in the saddle and "vroom vroooooom" to repeat his exact words...now that folks is a MONKEY!

Well at least we had a BEEEEAUTIful day to shoot.. chilly -20 but sunny clear blue skies none the less... and 3 ETEC's for fun. and as promised.. Luke.. your p-turns look great!
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