What a way to get some fresh air! it was great to see so many families out enjoying the racing action and the day! it seems as tho some lil guys just couldn't wait to get home and have their nap nap...
Monday, January 26, 2009
Family FUN! CSRA!
WOOOEEEE it was a chilly week end here in Ontario!!!! Saturday I think the high for the day was a warm - 20! Sunday was a little bit warmer and we were able to get out and enjoy part of the day in Lindsay with friends and the CSRA!

What a way to get some fresh air! it was great to see so many families out enjoying the racing action and the day! it seems as tho some lil guys just couldn't wait to get home and have their nap nap...
so if you are looking for a good family day outdoors... you might want to get to a CSRA event near you.
What a way to get some fresh air! it was great to see so many families out enjoying the racing action and the day! it seems as tho some lil guys just couldn't wait to get home and have their nap nap...
there's NOTHING better... ?
I must admit, I'm spoiled...
spoiled in life in general.. I have a great husband, son and family.. I work for a fantastic show... and have 2 brand new sleds in my garage... on top of ours.... Ya not much room to move around, and my jeff was out in the garage making room this past week end as it was driving him nuts....!
Last week I had to run up the lake to Buckeye Marine to follow up after the boat show.. Opened up my garage and went.. hummm what sled shall I take!? The gsx ltd.. the Arctic Cat crossfire 1000.. decisions decisions.... The cat is a GREAT lake runner.. and no one will be out on the lake at all.. huh.. sorta fun.. but it's soooo much better when you can scream by someone and scare the crap out of them.. NAW i don't do that! ;)
But I chose the one wayyyy in the back.. my girl I haven't taken out this year... my 2003 Ski doo REV mxz 800.... slightly customized.. ya if you've seen it... white custom paint.. with a few pink graphics.. (will be changing after the KS snow run.. it's been a few years)
why would i chose this sled?
You get used to something I guess.. kinda like that favorite pair of jeans, or in my case flip flops..After being able to ride the newest, best , fastest.. damn it's nice to get back on your own... and yes it's a 2003 so beavertail and all. I looooooove this sled... the lake was full of whoops and drifts and it coasted over them so well.. Power.. ya it's got it.. plus one Christmas i was super happy to open a box with a Straightline Performance silencer... o and a tour buddy for my thumb.. LOL! I just have to get Chris to figure a way to make another one to mount on the outside then I think i'll be able to not STOP EVERYTIME i see GAS!!!! Ya one of the downsides of the ride.. ah well.. I think i'll keep her.. I'm looking forward to getting out and riding on it a bit more this season... so for all of you out there with older sleds... keep it, customize it and RIDE!
spoiled in life in general.. I have a great husband, son and family.. I work for a fantastic show... and have 2 brand new sleds in my garage... on top of ours.... Ya not much room to move around, and my jeff was out in the garage making room this past week end as it was driving him nuts....!
Last week I had to run up the lake to Buckeye Marine to follow up after the boat show.. Opened up my garage and went.. hummm what sled shall I take!? The gsx ltd.. the Arctic Cat crossfire 1000.. decisions decisions.... The cat is a GREAT lake runner.. and no one will be out on the lake at all.. huh.. sorta fun.. but it's soooo much better when you can scream by someone and scare the crap out of them.. NAW i don't do that! ;)
But I chose the one wayyyy in the back.. my girl I haven't taken out this year... my 2003 Ski doo REV mxz 800.... slightly customized.. ya if you've seen it... white custom paint.. with a few pink graphics.. (will be changing after the KS snow run.. it's been a few years)
why would i chose this sled?
You get used to something I guess.. kinda like that favorite pair of jeans, or in my case flip flops..After being able to ride the newest, best , fastest.. damn it's nice to get back on your own... and yes it's a 2003 so beavertail and all. I looooooove this sled... the lake was full of whoops and drifts and it coasted over them so well.. Power.. ya it's got it.. plus one Christmas i was super happy to open a box with a Straightline Performance silencer... o and a tour buddy for my thumb.. LOL! I just have to get Chris to figure a way to make another one to mount on the outside then I think i'll be able to not STOP EVERYTIME i see GAS!!!! Ya one of the downsides of the ride.. ah well.. I think i'll keep her.. I'm looking forward to getting out and riding on it a bit more this season... so for all of you out there with older sleds... keep it, customize it and RIDE!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"3 tec, ETEC , WHEEEEE tec!!!!"
Yes Luke coined the phrase... "3TEC"... and wheeee E tec it was..

This being "my" rookie this season.. I have done pretty well..(video on it's way of my "slight dusting")

ERRRR luke!? Can i have my lock back!? I need to put it on the trailer before hubby notices it's gone.. :)
(coming soon -video of day testing!)
This being "my" rookie this season.. I have done pretty well..(video on it's way of my "slight dusting")
However I do need to clear up a couple items on this TR.(test ride)
ONE: I did NOT lock the trailer.. my hubby is fantastic about ensuring things are safe
TWO: I did NOT lose the KEYS! they are hanging up in our LOCKED garage.. peeeeeeeeeeeerfect spot for them when the trailer is here at home..
THREE: me? A monkey!?
Between the Renegade and the adrenaline, the winner was the short track for me... apparently Luke preferred the Rene (video clip to come) Overall without letting the cat outta the bag for the TR- I looove this sled! Both models , but ya the adrenaline is my fav by far... from engine, suspension, ride, handling and ergos... this is one I want to keep in my garage!
I think we even have my son convinced this sled is awesome! I was about to put it away in the garage when.. yes.. all on his own.. (I think his daddy has been teaching him, unknown to me) up in the saddle and "vroom vroooooom" to repeat his exact words...now that folks is a MONKEY!

Well at least we had a BEEEEAUTIful day to shoot.. chilly -20 but sunny clear blue skies none the less... and 3 ETEC's for fun. and as promised.. Luke.. your p-turns look great!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Used Sleds... can't beat EM!
We've had many viewers write in and ask about showcasing some used sleds...
While Luke was at some Sneek Peeks of the New 2010 rides.. Jeff and I tackled the used sled task with a challenge to each other.... Buy a used sled for 2500$, Going into this challenge I was fairly certain that Jeff, would not be able to stay in that budget.. I was soooo certain that we had a little side bet.. (check in later who won! DON'T believe everything that jeff writes!)

Jeff chose a late 90's Polaris XCR 600...(check out jeff's blog to see his side of the story) My ride.. a 98 Arctic Cat ZL500. Ya ya , I knew my ride needed a little bit of work, but I went to a dealer - Spoiled Sports and had Rich take a peek at my choice.. just to get the low down on how much work and how much it was really worth.. This is a great way to see if you are getting good value for your money.. or take someone along that knows more than you do in regards to engines/ wear and tear and general upkeep.
WAY back when.. This was my first spring ordered SLED! I can still remember the day picking it up in the fall with just a skiff of snow.. ya you all know it!!! ripped up the lawn ... whoops. 11yrs later.. it is still a great model... it's a perfect entry/ low performance model. 500cc' it has a bit of guts.. but not all at once.. nice and easy for throttle thumb and the suspension is pretty good! it'll be even better after Jeff installs the Ryde FX shocks!

ERR did he fix my ride or break it? the look on jeff's face = BROKE IT!
Seriously , Jeff needed the edge to beat me while on the lake.. so he took the carb apart and wasn't going to put the magnet back in..i'm suuuuuure that's how i lost... but hey! I won the bet! my sled, all the add ons... tour buddy, carbides and shocks...
Seriously , Jeff needed the edge to beat me while on the lake.. so he took the carb apart and wasn't going to put the magnet back in..i'm suuuuuure that's how i lost... but hey! I won the bet! my sled, all the add ons... tour buddy, carbides and shocks...

So stay tuned for the install of the shocks.. jeff will be covering this in a trail tech feature!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The NOT so NICE side of TR's
THe shoot started off AWESOME.. we (camera man EXTRODINAIRE Doug) met in Fort Irwin at my husband's, brother's inlaw's.. ya mouthful I know... They are FANTASTIC ppl and have a gorgeous spot to boot.

Ya Nuff said. stump/ bog whatever... 2tries later, 3 hrs.. and more recruits ( thanks to Don and Steve!).. indy was out and parked in the garage.. making a mucky gucky mess all over.

The trails were awesome.. freshly groomed and only a couple people had been on..
O but wait i'm sooooo getting ahead of myself here.. Let's go back to the begining.. I arrived about 5pm the night before after loading at Supertrax HQ my TR sled.. the GSX ltd.. I also grabbed the Etec 600 for Doug to ride.. after a long day in the truck with my 15 month old we arrived at CASA Newton! No brother in law... hummm and minus one niece..Brent was stuck in a bit of a swamp with my niece and they walked out over 2 miles to get to a phone and call for help.. ahum.. i'm going to stop typing and let the pictures explain...

Back to the shoot at hand.. did I mention gorgeous weather? It was awesome, and the sled was awesome too! Ok I am going to admit it.. I was a little dissapointed when Jeff asked me to do my FIRST Test Ride for Snowtrax on the GSX.. All I could think was .. ugh this is sooo not my type of sled!I mean you say touring and all I can think about is those big cushy, fall asleep rides... heated seats, pillows for a suspension but "tank like" to get around the trails you need to be a sumo wrestler to muscle those girls!... no matter what make. But a couple hours later, and lots of trail footage from Doug.. I was LOVING this sled... but my stomach wasn't.. I know i had a lot of whoops on the closed course.. however I really wasn't feeling good... AAHH I know LUNCHTIME! Burgers! that'll do it!
this thing hit me soo hard one second I was fine next.. well you don't want to know!
I think I remember Jeff showing up to do the show intro and a few other things...but all I remember was him saying "can you cowboy it up?" as I ran to the bathroom for about the 30th time.
Flu=2 McLean's =0
my son's turn... sigh
FLu=3 McLean's =0
yup you guessed it hubby's turn...
you'll have to see how the TR turned out on Snowtrax TV... coming up soon..
(but I did get out and ride some more.. and I still REALLY like this sled's power!)
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