I think i'm finally calmed down enough to write this ... Last week while riding for the first time this season with my husband I had my first FIRST accident.. In 20years of riding personally , testing sleds I had yet to have a tree jump in front of me... I mean sure i've tapped bumpers or run over someone's ski.. but not like this!
Our plan was to ride up to Haliburton for lunch.. pretty boring for most of the trip, but it was jeff's first ride of the season and probably our first and last together for the year.. with my travel schedule and him busy at work.. it's hard to find a day to get out together! We had some fun on the 501- and then over to E108 just north of Bobcaygeon..then to the B103 but pulling into Kinmount was where our day suddenly got interesting and very very expensive.

The trail was perfectly groomed and we soon realized that we were in fact following the groomer! hooray! After the operator let us by I snapped a pic and carried on... the sun was shining it was a beautiful day.. and the trail wasn't too bad a little bumpy ahed of the groomer, but my ride had a great suspension... My hubby was leading and then i saw him in the air.. i quickly jammed on my brakes.. and took a bit of a flying launch.. not going overly fast under the trail speed limit....and landed ALL WRONG. I think because i was braking my body was thrown forward, and believe me I have thought about this over and over and over again.. and I'm sure my other half is sick of hearing me disect the entire landing...

When I landed i mashed the throttle.. and my sled took off again... It jumped over the bank and headed straight towards a massive pine... luckily my cat like reflexes turned the sled and I veered away from the tree.. but not all of it missed... the ski hit HARD and I jumped off .. when the sled hit the tree it must have swung and knocked me down... all i remember was my husband lifting the sled off of me and me yelling what did i do to my sled!?

Now with that sled landing on top of me.. I am black and blue from around my kidneys down to my knee on the one side... i feel like a mack truck ran over me.. and where the sled hit me on my ahum.. bum there is a goose egg and BLACK BLACK bruise.. no hot tubbing in public for me for a bit!
Shock didn't set in until we were home and I saw the back of my wrecked coat, I can't imagine how bad it would have been if I was not wearing my
A few years ago I shrugged off the
Tek Vest.. I mean come on it's for racing right? What are the chances I am ever going to need one.....
-what about when someone might be on your side of the trail
-you are doing some lake running and you blow a belt
-playing in the powder and hit something that's hidden
-or just hard to see in the sun/ cloud/ snow
or worse you have your son or daughter in front of you and you hit the brakes quickly and they are thrown forward and hit the handlebars etc...

There are sooooo many chances that we take daily... And I have to Thank Gord Avann who forced me to wear a vest under my gear at one snowshoot.. Now if I forget it I feel naked!
I still have my first race vest.... a few scrapes and dings from my short time racing
My second is the
super sport and that one is over 5 years old.. ($329 cdn)(pictured above)
the latest creation from Nancy and her crew is my super sport edged in pink in honor of Kelly shires and the snow run...(below)

So if you are considering buying a
Tek vest and opt not to due to cost.. average it out.. Please find a better excuse... you should be able to keep your vest AT LEAST 5 yrs. that works out to approx $65. yr. is that really too expensive?
You buy insurance, how often do you use it... it's a risk and you make sure you are covered....
I am a PROUD TEK VEST wearer.. and I bought my husband a vest for Christmas 4yrs ago and just last week my son.